食品加工厂定期有机会收集整个运营过程中的数据. 然而,这些数据经常被遗漏或忽视. 有时这些数据被收集了,但没有得到有效的利用. Today’s technology solutions enable easier data collection and analysis at a lower cost. A data driven approach to operating food plants is becoming an industry norm. 然而, 采用全厂范围的数据驱动方法需要一个有效的战略来克服某些障碍. 这篇博客提供了如何克服这些障碍的见解.
在解决阻碍食品加工商采用全工厂数据驱动方法的障碍之前, 让我们讨论一下该方法的主要好处.
食品安全对消费者来说非常重要. 危害关键控制点概念(HACCP)的应用是提高食品安全的一个重要进展。, which calls for data collection from production through distribution to consumption. So, a large amount of data is collected in the food supply chain. Typically, processors have this data, but the consumer is still blind to where their food came from. 只有少数优质品牌向消费者提供有关其产品的农场或动物数据.
食物过敏原就是一个例子.e. 坚果,贝类)来有效地控制食物过敏. Packaged foods have the allergens data on their labels, which is healthy. 花生过敏是一个主要问题. 对于花生过敏的人来说,在餐馆吃饭时识别不含坚果的食物可能是一项不可能完成的任务. This is because restaurants only have information on the food ingredients. 然而,, they have no data on if the manufacturing process came in contact with any nuts, 特别是花生. This leaves the consumer with narrow food choices at most of the restaurants. 最近, this is changing as some of the big restaurant chains have created special menus with allergen data, 他们的网站上有哪些.
A recall can hurt a processor’s brand and bring expensive lawsuits. 采用数据驱动方法的召回管理实践是掌握召回过程的好方法. A data-driven approach allows for collecting data at key production points. This data provides the level of 可追溯性 要求 by the recall management team. This plant-wide data driven 可追溯性 empowers the team to take swift action on recall.
Having accurate carcass yield data is the key to providing producers with valuable insight. Even a small amount of waste can result in large product loss. Therefore, yield reporting and analysis are a huge part of the production manager’s daily function. 因此, 收集关键生产点的数据,并对产量管理数据进行分析,提高工厂绩效.
Collected data can be mined to identify efficiencies in operation, 减少生产停机时间, 监测植物活动. 此外,数据是帮助实现最佳业务管理实践所需的关键元素. 数据有助于更好的决策, 最大限度地减少风险, 并激励整个供应链的利益相关者.
Though a data driven method provides reliable and measurable results, achieving a plant-wide data driven approach requires solid strategies to overcome a few key barriers.
What are the barriers to achieving a plant-wide data-driven approach?
在数字生产平台领域缺乏文化和愿景是采用以数据为中心的方法的强大障碍. 只有当所有利益相关者都重视数据的使用,并看到数据驱动方法对其公司和客户的战略重要性时,数字生态系统才能发挥作用.
Change has always met some level of resistance no matter what the industry is. Here we are dealing with employees who are already very comfortable with your current practices, 流程, 和系统. 除了, 管理层也可能安于现状,即使他们看到了实现数据驱动方法的价值.
寻找新流程和新技术的管理人员可能很快就会遇到信息过载,很容易感到困惑. 他们听到的流行语是, “降低成本”, “缩短上市时间”, “为了有效竞争”和“由于政府管制”. 也, they will be inundated with technological terms like “big data and analytics”, “云”, “数字工具”和“物联网”. When it comes to effectively collecting and using data in a food plant, processors need manufacturing 流程 and technologies that are beyond these buzz words. Solutions should be relevant and purpose-built for the meat 处理 industry.
管理者们需要摆脱这种嗡嗡声. First, take a holistic approach to evaluate the entire business operations. 然后, gather the requirements based on your ecosystem (own operations, 供应商, 分销商, 和客户). 之后参加贸易展览, and listen to supplier webinars and/or industry podcasts to understand technologies and 流程. 最后, assess the available offerings and identify the proven technologies and 流程. 如果需要,可以向咨询师寻求帮助.
一旦你成功地远离了嗡嗡声, 与一些技术供应商交谈以进一步了解. 有了这些集体知识,细化您的需求,然后继续进行技术供应商选择过程.
Remember the transformation or change is not just about technology alone. 它也与人有关. It is very important to match the people in your team with the vendor’s team.
Once plant management decides to adopt a data-driven approach, they will inevitably encounter barriers during the implementation. 他们将遇到的许多障碍与员工培训和有效使用他们收集的数据直接相关.
当谈到工厂车间时, many meat processors are cultured using outdated technologies and practices. Sometimes, production 流程 are recorded on paper or in an Excel template. 肉类等行业组织 & 安大略省家禽协会和美国肉类加工者协会(AAMP)是支持肉类行业的重要资源. 事实上,肉类 & Poultry Ontario recently held an industry day that highlighted a lot of automation technology. 他们向处理器展示了可用于帮助实现和计算自动化ROI的各种工具. 行业协会是帮助处理器实现数据收集目标的重要资源. 此外,行业协会, 肉类加工商可以利用多种文献来源,有效利用数据和数据驱动方法的战略重要性,更好地为消费者服务,提高利润.
一般来说,人们抗拒改变. So, achieving employee buy-in is the first step in the process. 其次, 选择一个内部项目负责人有助于动员团队采用数据驱动的方法.
The executive team should focus on obtaining cooperation among various user groups. They should not treat this as a technology implementation exercise. This should be viewed and executed as a change management program, 哪一个涉及到增量过程变更, 可靠的时间表, 员工培训, 并庆祝成功实现文化转变,转向使用以数据为中心的方法来提高运营效率.
带来改变往往是一个非常困难的过程. 咨询方法与合适的解决方案提供商的专业知识相结合,可以帮助打破孤岛,拥抱变革. 如果有一个外部的变更管理顾问和项目负责人,人们会被激励起来。, which will also simplify the implementation 流程 and ensure success.
通过数据驱动的方法获得优势, 食品厂需要有数据收集设备, 数据库拉菲2注册登录, 分析拉菲2注册登录. 也, they require best practices for bringing the technologies and people together to collect the data. These devices typically include scales, scanners, printers, computers, mobile devices, and more. 制造执行拉菲2注册登录(MES), 仓库管理拉菲2注册登录(WMS)和车间ERP拉菲2注册登录是所需拉菲2注册登录套件的关键部分. 这些工厂车间解决方案应该能够与后台和前台拉菲2注册登录系统无缝集成, 哪些已经到位.
通过解决方案集成进行项目管理 & 员工培训
Strong project management is 要求 to bring the various technologies and best practices together. 解决方案集成是实现由硬件和拉菲2注册登录组成的车间数据采集系统的最佳方法. 一个完全集成的解决方案为工厂操作员提供整个工厂每个所需点的数据收集. 也, 这种方法限制了风险,并带来了经过验证的实践,以确定工厂中理想的数据收集点. Solution integration helps determine the right approach for making sense of the collected data.
团队需要接受培训,了解如何将正确的数据收集设备放置在正确的收集点, 以及如何利用这些数据来提高食品工厂的运营效率. Employee training is a key to a successful implementation of a data-driven approach. 最后, 聘请经验丰富且经过验证的解决方案提供商来配置和交付解决方案,确保在工厂范围内采用数据驱动的方法.
The successful implementation of the data-driven approach leads to more efficiency. 拉菲2在线登录注册的解决方案是专门为肉类行业设计的,旨在实现整体效率. 拉菲2在线登录注册的解决方案是完全集成的,并简化了整个生产周期的数据收集, 包括接收, 处理, 包装, 仓库, 航运, 和发票. 利用拉菲2在线登录注册超过35年的经验,为拉菲2在线登录注册提供成熟的数据收集解决方案,以提高食品安全, 可追溯性, 和盈利能力.
拉菲2在线登录注册已成功交付了全厂范围的数据收集系统,并促进了北美肉类加工厂的数据驱动方法. Symphony is the key software in the fully integrated solution for data collection. 点击这里 to request a demo on how this software compiles all the data components into a centralized database, 提供对日常生产的实时洞察和对整个车间操作的完整可视性.
作者:Kamal Krishnapillai - 拉菲2在线登录注册
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